John Muir
[Jeanne C.] Carr

22Hazel green water famous among mountaineers distilled from the pores of an ancient moraine-spiced & toned in a maze of fragrant roots Winter nor summer warm or cold it shadows over shadows keep its fountains ever cool Moss & felted leaves guard from spring & autumn frosts while a wooly robe of snow protects from the intenser cold of winter Bears deer birds & Indians love the water & nuts of Hazel green alike. While the pine squirrel reigns supreme & haunts its incomparable groves like a spirit Here a grand old glacier swept over from the Tuolumne ice fountains into basin of the Merced leaving the Hazel green moraine for the food of her corning trees, & fountains of her predestined waters. 00691 23Along the Merced divide to the ancient glacial lake bowl of Cranes Flat was ever fir or pine more perfect what groves! What Combinations of green & silver gray & glowing white of glinting sunbeams. Where is leaf or limb awanting & is this the upshot of the so called “Mountain glooms & mountain storms If so is Sierra forestry aught beside an out flow of Divine Love. These round bottomed grooves sweeping across the divide & down whose sides our horses canter with accelerated speed are the pathways of ancient ice-currents & it is just where these crushing glaciers have borne down most heavily that the greatest loveliness of grove & forest appears. A deep canon filled with blue air now comes in view on the right. That is the valley of the Merced & the highest rocks visible through the trees belong to the Yosemite Valley. More miles of glorious forest then out into free light & down down down
Yosemite Valley
Date Original
[1874 Sep]
Original letter dimensions: 25 x 40 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 03, Image 0203
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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Page 13
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle