[Bayley] Balfour
[John Muir]

ImmediateAllowanceswithoutVoting:Widowed,Fatherless,andDistressed.To widows, being natives of Scotland, as also to Scotsmen's widows of other nationality, whose families have, in either case, been left unprovided for, allowances are given for the maintenance of their children up to the close of their school period. Over one hundred widows in the condition described are in actual receipt of assistance for the upbringing of about three hundred children.Allowances and donations are given, moreover, to deserving natives of Scotland upon whom misfortune and poverty have fallen. Applicants for these allowances have to be recommended by a Governor; then, after considerate, but thorough investigation, their cases are laid before the Committee of Management, and allowances apportioned according to the respective circumstances. This charity is bestowed in the form of either a monthly allowance of from 12s. 6d. to 20s. so long as the need lasts, a donation amounting to not more than £5, or occasionally a free passage to friends in Scotland.Relief to theDestitute.Immediate relief is given by the Secretary to any deserving native of Scotland who, through want of work, illness, or other cause, is temporarily destitute. The help is rendered by orders for the supply of lodging, food, or clothing. As a rule no money is given, and when, by way of exception, money is given, it is in sums rarely exceeding 5s. During the year over 2,000 persons are thus relieved.Beneficence ofthe Charity.In the ways above specified it is sought to assist as far as possible, according to their several necessities, all natives of Scotland needing and deserving help. The aged and the permanently invalided are granted pensions or monthly allowances, enabling them, with aid from friends, to live either in homes of their own, free from harassing care, and in some measure of comfort, or as welcome guests in the homes of sons and daughters not in a position to wholly support them.The mother afflicted by the loss of the breadwinner, and anxiously facing the darkened future, is sustained and cheered by a donation providing for immediate wants, and inspired with fresh hope in the assurance that in the days to come she will still be enabled to maintain a home and bring up her fatherless children. The sick, again, are happily tided across the interval of pain and weakness. The anxious for work but unfortunate, struggling in a prolonged ebb of fluctuating trade, are helped to redeem pledged tools or clothes, have their rent guaranteed, and thereby a shelter assured them, while, in addition, every effort is made to assist them in regaining employment.The Charity’s Needs.To carry on this beneficent work to an extent and with an efficiency creditable to Scotland the actual funds of the Charity are inadequate. The Committee of Management confidently appeal, therefore, to every Scotsman wherever resident, and to everyone who by reason of descent, family ties, education, business, or residence has a connection with Scotland and Scottish affairs, to aid them in rendering this great Charity still more worthy of its traditions and more able to discharge its growing responsibilities.THE 248TH ANNUAL FESTIVALWILL BE HELD ONSATURDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, 1912 (ST-ADREW’S, DAY),AT 6.40 FOR 7 P.M. PRECISELY,INTHE KING'S HALL, HOLBORN RESTAURANT, W.C.The Right HonourableARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, M.P.,IN THE CHAIR.Tickets for the Banquet, ONE GUINEA each, are now ready.ROYAL SCOTTISH CORPORATION,CRANE COURT,FLEET STREET, E.C.T. R. MONCRIEFF, Secretary.
Date Original
1912 Nov 6
Original letter dimensions: 28.5 x 44 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 20, Image 1407
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
Page Number
Page 3
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle