[John Muir]
[?] Aimers

long roundabout voyege of thirty-two days. From Cape Town I went to tho Viotorio Folls on the Zambesi, a distance of about thirteen hundred miles. When a short distance from the famous falls I found another great tree that I had long desired to see, the bcobab, a wonderful fellow.Found it also at Zanzibar, at Des or Salaam, and at Mombasa. From Victoria Falls I went down to Southern Rhodesia to Beire on the East coast. Thence to Mombasa. Thence by rail up through the game region where Roosevelt hunted. Saw thousands of antelopes end zebras on the Athi plains, etc. etc. Thence to Port Florence on the Victoria Nyanze, a region I had long wished to see. Thence tc the lower end of the Great Lake to Entebbo, Kampali, and Jinji, and in a short walk from Jinji I saw the remarkable Ripon Fells, the outlet of tho lake and main head fountain of the famous Nile. Saw the river starting on its long journey of between three and four thousand miles. Thence returned to Mombasa where I got another steamer and sailed for Naples around by the Red Sea. From Naples, affter visiting the famous Vesuvius, Pompil, and sailing from point to point on the beautiful bay, I sailed to New York, and thence had only the continent to cross to get home.I am now writing up some notes, but when they will be ready for publication I do wot know I will be glad to sond you a copy but it will be a long time before anything is arranged in book form.I hope you are well, and when you get tired of your wonderful river and its rubber I shall hope to see you in California. In the meantime write me a long letter and give me all of the news you can gather about the good people I met- Of course you know that I shall bo glad to get any photographs of Brazilian trees you may chance to get. After hearing from you I shall?05214
Hollywood, Calif.
Date Original
1912 Jun 20
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 20, Image 1063
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle