John Muir
[Robert Underwood Johnson]

corrals & stables also. 2Mr. Irish though no longer a Yo. Commissioner still acts as though he were the attorney of the monopoly. He lately made a savage attack in the Examiner on Hutchings--Still nobody as far as I heard on my late trip had a good word from him, though all praised Johnson for the grand work done in the Century for the forests. The Washburns who so savagely attacked you at Wawona were this year profuse in their praise. & by the way I carefully sounded all the small gardeners I met whose little spots are included in the park as to the way their interests had been affected, & all said they were glad to be delivered from the hordes of sheep that used to sweep over theirs & the adjacent lands & rob them of every blade of grass. That Committee Memorial for the purpose of breaking upthe boundaries of the park presented last winter to Congress was all pine manufactures lying bosh. 3This is probably the last dying gasp of the old attack on you--perhaps J. P. I. work. Mr Field the most active of the board of Commissioners & the most influential is now working on the lines you laid out, & as I told you in my last was the one who induced the Commission to employ Mr Radford. 4 Mr Hutchings has been granted a lease of his old cabin with one acre of land, but he wants more land which the commissioners refuse to grant hence he is still fighting His cabin has been used for some time as a hay barn. 5I guess that this road sooner or later will be built at least to the West boundary of the park, & right of the hotel doors, if possible-- 6The extention of the forest reservations & putting the management of them on a permanent bases is now the most important object in all the mountain regions of the country After fires are kept out the young growth of conifers & the underbrush in general will require most careful & laborious attention, else the best protected forests will be the most completely destroyed in some grand00863
Martinez [Calif.]
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Reel 08, Image 1217
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle