John Muir
Richard A. Ballinger

NATIONAL PARKSCALIFORNIA BRANCH302 MILLS BUILDINGSAN FRANCISCODirectors of California BranchMR. JOHN MUIR, President, MartinezDR. WM. F. BADE, Vice-President, BerkeleyMR. W. S. GOULD, OaklandMRS. JAS. B. HUME, BerkeleyMR. CHAS. KEELER, BerkeleyPROF. J. N. LE CONTE, BerkeleyMRS. KATHARINE MILLER, BERKELEYPROF. W. C. MORGAN, BerkeleyMR. E. T. PARSONS. San FranciscoREV. WM. T. PATCHEL, San JoseMR. WILLOUGHBY RODMAN, Los AngelesMR. GEO. EDWARDS, Secretary, 302 Mills Building, S. F.MRS. R. V. COLBY, Treasurer, 302 Mills Building, S. F.MR. ALLEN CHAMBERLAIN, BostonMR. ASAHEL CURTS, SeattleMR. HENRY E.GREGORY, New-YorkMR. ROBERT UNDERWOOD JOHNSON, New-YorkMISS HARRIET MONROE, ChicagoMR. J. HORACE MCFARLAND, Harrisburg, Pa.MR. JOHN W. NOBLE, St. LouisMR. ALDEN SAMPSON. New YorkMR. C. H. SHOLES, PortlandMR. Edmund A. WHITMAN, BostonSan Francisco, April 20, 1909.Honorable Richard A. Ballinger,Secretary of the Interior,Washington, D.C.Sir:-The Society for the Preservation of National Parks, representing a national sentiment that has already-powerfully expressed itself in no unmistakable terms through the medium of the public press, and composed of thousands of adherents living in every State and Territory of the Union, respectfully petitions you to reopen and review the decision of your Department of May 11, 1908, whereby the City and County of, San Francisco was granted a permit to flood the Hetch Hetchy Valley in the Yosemite National Park, and we base our petition upon the following grounds:-1. In making said grant said Department' exceeded its jurisdiction, and said grant is null and void, because it violates the provisions of the Act of Oct. 1, 1890 (26 Stat. L. 650), which directs the Secretary of the Interior to make regulations "for the retention in their natural conditions of all ... natural curiosities or wonders within said reservation".2. In making said grant said Department did not take into consideration the fundamental question involved, to-wit: The necessity for making said grant; but in the terms of the very decision itself, the then Hon. Secretary stated: "In "considering the reinstated application of the City of San "Francisco, I do not need to pass upon the claim that it is "the only practicable and reasonable source of water supply "for the City."3. The exparte statements of the Hetch Hetchy advocates decided the question with the former Secretary, who said in
San Francisco
Date Original
1909 Apr 20
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 18, Image 0378
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle