John Muir
Henry G. Bryant

Original in possession of Mr. H. G. Bryant.Martinez, CaliforniaNOV. 7, 1909-Mr. Henry G. Bryant,Secretary American Alpine Club,Philadelphia.Dear Mr BryantMany thanks for your kind letter on the plan for the next business meeting & dinner of the club. Should the Fates be kind enough to allow me to cross the Continent next December You may be sure I shall be delighted to meet you all in Boston. At present however the outlook is far from promising. Strange to say the severest exposure in the wilderness never does me any harm while in comfortable civilization I catch all sorts of disabling coughs, colds, grippes etc, especially when I venture far on railway cars in winter.Since my home has been broken up by the death of my wife & marriage of my daughters I am left alone here in my library den, & traveling far becomes more & more difficult. I have always said I would not waste time writing books until too old to climb mountains. Now in my 71st year I have commenced to look over a neglected pile of note books with plans for publication, which work with endless interruptions makes but little headway.The fight for Hetch Hetchy Valley & National Parke in general will be on again in Congress next month. I was with the President & Secretary Ballinger in Yosemite & Hetch Hetchy last month & I’m happy to say all seems favorable.If I can’t get to you in winter I must try in summerWith all good wishesYour faithful fellow mountaineerJohn Muir04626
Martinez, Calif.
Date Original
1909 Nov 7
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
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Reel 18, Image 0871
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle