J. E. Calkins
John Muir

andaclimatethatis vauntedby the nativesfor its healthful-ness,and its gentlystimulatingquality,Thealtitude is about I ooofeet,which isabout the right thingfor me, andI think itwouldsuityou well.
Withtheexception ofa headache,nowand then, Mrs. C. is ingood health,and wouldregardyourcoming to us with real satisfaction and pleasure.I thinkyou would find her part of the bargainwell fulfilled. Wehavemany conveniences,even though weare outhere in the country. andthere is no difficulty in maintaininga decentlyvaried menu, andI feelquite certain that youwouldfind the tableadequate.We should certainlytryto have itso.In all respectsyoushould feel that you had entire freedom,and be free to ask forsuch rearrangementas you might wish.We shoulddesire to accommodateyouthoroughly,as far as the circumstances here will permit. We havevery little company, andare notexpectingtoengage inany socialenterprises. 0ne reasonwe cameso far away from our old home and friends was to get out ofa maze ofburdensomesocialobligations, and we are not anxiousto renewthem here.Wekeep ondecent termswith a few of our neighbors, anddoubtless a friend will callnow and then, butthere is not likely to be enough of this to be troublesome.
I trust that youwill understandmymotives in making thissuggestion.It has seemed to me that if we could, between us, shape up a literary workshop down herewe might advancethe labors on whichyou are now engaged.I can see how it can be donein this way,witha promise of fairsatisfaction to us both.If I had the meansitwould bea great pleasure to go to you,whereveryou mightwish,butIam so closelytiedhere that I cannotdo that, and so I make free tomentionthis alternative. I feel sure that youwill give it proper consideration,and say just what youfeel and think about it;also that youwill be free to suggest such modifications of the scheme as may appear desirable to you, in caseyou caretotake it up at all.
PerhapsIshouldsay, in passingthatmatter of the considerationI havesuggested,that itwill benecessary, in very largedegree,to make my arrangements forthis ranch work by the year.That is the manner in which all these contracts are made, and it would hardly be safe to risk gettinga man from month to month as needed, in caseyou were herea month and gone a month. Thisisa detail thatwe could doubtless arrange in the event the proposition appeals to you, and I shouldendeavor to do the right thingin adjusting myend of it, as I know you would do inyour place.Therearesome very warm days here in the summertime; days that would fill youwith longing to go up a cool, shady canon;but theheat is attended witha very low degree of humidity,and is
Lordsburg, Calif.
Date Original
1908 Dec 30
Original letter dimensions: 21.5 x 18.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 17, Image 1135
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
Page Number
Page 3
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle