John Muir
[James R. Garfield]

"To explore, enjoy, and render accessible the mountain regions of the Pacific Coast; to publish authentic information concerning them; to enlist the support and co-operation of the peusilc and the Government in preserving the forests and other natural features of the Sie rra Nevada Mountains."Board of Directors-1907-1908Mr. John Muir, President .... Martinez Prof. A. G. McAdie, Vice-President . San FranciscoProf. J. N. Le Conte, Treasurer . BerkeleyMr. William E. Colby. Secretary . BerkeleyProf. Wm. P. Bade . . . . . Berkley Prof. George Davidson . 2221 Washington St., S. F. Prof. W. R. Dudley . . . Stanford UniversityMr. Warren Olney . . . . San Francisco Mr. E. T. Parsons . University Club. San Francisco Outing CommitteeMr. Wm. E. Colby, ChairmanProf. J. N. La Conte Mr. B. T. ParsonsHonorary Vice-PresidentsProf. George Davidson San Francisco Mr. R. U. Johnson . . The Century. New York Pres. David Starr Jordan . Stanford UniversityMr. Gifford Pinchot Washington. D. C. Committee on Publications Mr. Elliott McAllister. Editor San Francisco Prof. Wm. P. Bade, Book Reviews Berkeley Prof. Wm. R. Dudley. Forestry Notes . Stanford Univ.Mr. Alex. O. Bella Prof. H. W. RoiseMr. B. T. Parsons Mr. Willoughby Rodman SIERRA CLUB2901 Channing WayBerkeley, Cal.wonders become better known it will be visited by countless thousands of admiring travelers from all parts of the world;Whereas, if dammed and submerged 175 feet deep as proposed, Hetch Hetchy would be rendered utterly inaccessible for travel, since no road could be built around the borders of the reservoir without tunnelling through solid granite cliffs; andWhereas, these camp-grounds would be destroyed and access to other important places to the north and south of the Valley interfered with, and the gate-way of the sublime Tuolumne Canyon leading up to the grand Central High Sierra Camp-ground the Upper Tuolumne Valley would be completely blocked and closed; andWhereas, no greater damage could be done to the great National Park excepting the damming of Yosemite itself; and Whereas all of the arguments advanced in favor of making Hetch Hetchy into a reservoir could be made to apply with equal force to the case of making Yosemite into a reservoir, except that the cost of a dam in the latter case would be greater; Whereas, such use would to a great extent, defeat the purpose and nullify the effect of the law creating the Park; andWhereas, the proponents of the San Francisco water scheme desire
San Francisco
Date Original
1907-09-20 00:00
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
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Reel 16, Image 1045
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle