John Muir
James R. Garfield

would be a great mistake, as would be manifest could I but have your ear for a few sabbath-calm moments. If you can grant these moments, away from noise of such pleaders as Mr. Phelan, Mr. Manson and Mr. Warren Olney who are rejoicing in the comfortable assurance and strength of a good sound substantial ignorance of God’s handiwork in the World's Yosemite Wonderland, I would make the journey to Washington to see you. Kindly let me know if you want me.Ever since the Yosemite National Park was established in 1890 my own real work has bean sadly interrupted in trying to assist in its preservation. And if in this case we should all fail it will be no wonder, for in a similar case Heaven's Angels failed. Nevertheless it seems our fate to keep on striving as best we may. No matter how much the Park is invaded or its boundaries shorn, while a single peak or dome, tree or cascade is left, the poor stub of a park will still call for protection. The smallest Park I ever heard of was in Eden and though its boundaries were drawn by the Lord himself, and included only one tree, even that moderate little Forest reservation was attacked and plundered.RespectfullyJohn MuirThe Honorable Secretary of the InteriorJames R. Garfield.
Martinez, Calif.
Date Original
1907-09-06 00:00
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
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Reel 16, Image 0965
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle