John Muir
[Helen & Wanda Muir]

Martinez, Nov. 27- 05Darlings I was delighted to get your letters showing all well & merry with snowstorms & tourists good bad & atrocious. I hope ere this the deeds sent by registered mail on the 20 or 21st have been signed and are on way back.David has payed rent & gone to the seagull grove. Will also paid rent. Helen, I saw Engineer McHughs & his wife last Saturday, also Miss Sassafras, etc. McHughs was very glad to hear of your health. Mr Coleman will pay you a visit & go out to the forest on his way East. He will probably leave here next Saturday or Monday on the limited which will stop for him by order. All are well. Last night we had the first heavy shower of the season. Heaven bless you. Remember me to the Stevensons.Your loving father John Muir
Martinez [Calif.]
Date Original
1905-11-27 00:00
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 15, Image 0833
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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The Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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Muir-Hanna Trust
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle