Elliott McAllister
John Muir

SIERRA CLUB,ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUILDING,ROOM 51A.SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.December 28, 1894.Mr. John Muir,Martinez, Cal.My dear Mr. Muir:--What shall we do in reference to the Caminetti Bill which I forwarded to you some days since?Mr. Geary writes and expresses his willingness to amend the bill as we see fit . I will call together such Committee as you might wish. There is a standing Committee on Parks and Reservations that might be called upon to act. I should be lad to hear as soon as possible in reference to the matter. I enclose to you the final draft made by Mr. Olney of the Resolutions for the Yosemite Commission. This was adopted after considering the suggestions of the other Directors.Will you kindly sign them and return them to me at once. I shall sign and then forward them to the Commission, without delayYours truly,[illegible]Secretary of Sierra Club.I forward also the [illegible] resolution concerning Mr. [illegible] will you sign & return them, please.01905
San Francisco
Date Original
Original letter dimensions: 28 x 21.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 08, Image 0663
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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Page 1
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle