Beth [Averell]et al.]
John Muir

[Following letters all aritten on same sheet of paper]August 5th, [1899]Dear Mr. Muir:As I waited until the morning to write I can tell you more news. How we are at Solidude, the scene of the wreck -- and indeed the name of the place is in keeping with our feelings -- for the fragments of the H. A. E. [Harriman Alaska Expedition] are sad and lonely, not because we haven't "ham and eggs" but because we haven't you. Next time you see Prof, Ritter be sure to call him Prof. Earlybird, for he catches the work, you know. That is Ned's new christening of him.Yesterday some naughty men shot some little birdies, although I would have said "no, no" had I been there, and this morning I sat with Dr. Fisher admiring some, but did not shoot any -- no, not even with a kodak. After my return I'll let you know if you nave made as good a convert of Dr. Converse as you have of me. Meanwhile, with remarks that the "Big Four" all miss you and your glaciers terribly,Lovingly your friend,Beth [Averell]Helper, Utah,Rio Grande & Western R.R., Aug. 4th, [1899]Dear Mr. Muir:We have been wading in glacial puddles in the heart of the Rocky mts. and are thinking sorrowfully of you, and wishing you could enjoy yourself thus also. We are detained on account of a wreck ahead, and a washout, and hope you will take this as an excuse for bothering you. We have wished for the last two days for the coolness of a Muir glacier, and for your refreshing sayings. Mr. Gannett, who is now an LL. D. left us at Salt Lake City, so your piece of mind would not be disturbed if you were with us. And we all wish you were, especially your repented sinner, who wears no more the shooting jacket,Mary Harriman[Aug. 6, 1899]Dear Mr. Muir:I have been unfortunate enough to have the last "whack" at this letter reserved for me, and all I could do would be to enlarge upon what the others already have so effectively expressed.We are now once more in the midst of civilization, for we are at Omaha. Mrs. Harriman and her family all left us day before yesterday, and we are a very sad and lonely pair, Beth and I.I do hope that you found all your family well, and I wish we might see your girls. Do bring them East next time you come. The "big four" will always look back with pleasure on the happy times we spent with "cold storage" and be mighty glad that he and we were members of the H.A.E.With love,Your friend,DorotheaDear Mr. Muir:Mary has told all that has happened so I can only express my sorrow at your not being here, with us, and taking us off for walks.We miss you terribly, and only wish you were here to tell us your stories of your tramps on glaciers.We are all very blue, as we have no little pup,to liven us up.But we will all meet soon, I hope. I want you to accept love from the girl who does not bait her hook with her heart,But eats her apples, and eats her bread,And hooks not, but loves the fish, instead.Cornelia Harriman02604
Helper, Utah, Rio Grande and Western R. R.
Date Original
Original letter dimensions: 20 x 25.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 10, Image 0895
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle