
John Muir


[Warren] Olney


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02222Martinez, Jan. 18, 1897.My dear Olny.I think with you that a resolution like the one you offered the other day, should be thoroughly discussed & studied before final action is taken & a close approximation made to unanimity if possible. Still I dont see the one or two objectors should have the right to kill all action of the club in this or any other matter rightly belonging to it, Prof. Davidsons objection is also held by Prof Leconte or was but how they can consistently sing praise to the Federal gov. in the management of the National parks, & at the same time regard the same managment of Yo as degrading to the staff I cant see. For my part I'm proud of Cal. & prouder of [illegible] the U. S. is all of Cal & more sooner [mountaineers?] get out of it the better. Fortunately the matter is not of first importance, but now it has been raised I shall insist on getting it squarely before the club. I had given up the question as a bad job, but so many of our members have urged it lately I now regard its discussion as duty of the club. Ever Yrs John Muir


Martinez [Calif.]

Date Original



Original letter dimensions: 27 x 20.5 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 09, Image 0639

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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see

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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle
