[John Muir]
Louie [Strentzel Muir]

01574 [1][letterhead]Lincoln, Neb. April 25 1892Dear Louie. I arrived here last evening from Indianapolis & after a short visit will push on to Kearney to see Mary once more, then will get back to California as fast as possible I left everybody well in Portage & greatly cheered by the little assistance we have in time of need – At Indianapolis three days. Enjoyed a royal welcome & found all the old friends, Found Mrs Sutherland at the old house where I lay in the dark 25 years ago. Saw Eliza Hendricks & her brother etc – all good – When I left Portage Dave came with me, his remaining there being out of the question. We parted at Chicago he going to Lincoln, I to Ind. He has been looking over the town & conferring with Dan with a [illegible] to settling here. He has not yet decided whether to come with me or stay in Lincoln. [Ette?] was left behind to settle up some business affairs, She will join Dan here in a few days & I suppose aid him in [forming?] a decision. She is an excellent house keeper01574 [2][letterhead][in margin: Have just received Wandas 2nd letter. Will answer soon. Real estate is what Dan thinks of attempting here - Catherines letter reached her mother just as I left -] & therefore I wish she could see good grounds for deciding for California where she is so much needed. Of course I carefully avoid everything like urging them to come to California. wishing only they may decide for the best. I expect to be home in two weeks or so from today – My what a boy Dan has – what eyes, How Wanda & Helen would enjoy the care & play of him. Here is his picture – all eyes. for Helen. Tell Helen & Wanda I am bringing something for them & not to be lonesome, ill be home in a few days after this reaches you. I got Wandas & Helens letters last night. forwarded from Portage & enjoyed them & the pretty things they contained. Hope the earthquake did not frighten you or Maggie. I will go to Crete & Kearney today or tomorrow – Wonder if Annie & [Jessie?] are still with you. Love to all, Janet is better.
Lincoln, Neb
Date Original
1892 Apr 25
Original letter dimensions: 23.5 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 07, Image 0535
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle