K[atharine] M[errill] Graydon
Wanda [Muir]

[marked "Indianapolis letters"]Mc Chesneys 1364 Franklin St., Oakland, July 8, '92. My dear Wanda: For the past week I have thought each day should see a letter sent to you, but the time has been so occupied that letter-writing has stepped aside. To-day I am going to keep my room and talk with my far-away friends. I am wondering how you all are, for it seems a long time since I bade you goodbye; but I hope your Mother's cold has disappeared, that your Grandmother is better and preparing for the Texan trip, and that Helen has not forgotten me. Write soon and tell about the birds and dogs and rabbit, and all the rest of things. How are your eyes. Tell your Mother that Janet has had a relapse, and her case is causing great anxiety. I know no particulars, only the distressing fact, and that her mother had been sent for. You will see, dear Wanda, as you grow older that God has allowed to come into this beautiful world much to make hearts sad. I spent Commencement at Berkeley and enjoyed the day very much. The address to the class was made by Rabbi Voorsanger of the City. Never before had I listened to a Jew and this address was one of the most timely and cultivated I have ever heard. At the close I was asked to the dinner given to faculty, regents, alumni and invited guests, an elaborate and pleasant affair, with unusually happy after-dinner speeches. Yesterday I had a pleasant day or rather morning at the Cliff House with Mr. Alexander. The seals were decidedly lazy, only an occasional bark or grunt being heard from them as they were sprawled in their hugeness upon the rocks. The wind was quiet, and the water placid, nothing has spoken to me as has the ocean, whose voice each soul must interpret for itself. As I walked along the beach and saw the many happy children digging in the sand or wading in the water, can you not fancy the flight of my thought? How you little girls would enjoy a day there, and I hope you may soon have it. Mrs. McChesney's house has been upturned by painters, paper-hangers, and such disturbing elements, so I am not yet in the room I am to have permanently, but am quite comfortable. Much of my time has been spent at the Alexander's, but a steamer load came to them yesterday, so I am back again in my own room. They go next week to Tahoe. The time of opening schools has been extended to the 18th, for which I am glad. Mr. McChesney returns some time next week. Miss Alice has improved every minute since she left home, which news gladdens her Mother's heart. I wonder if your father has seen the letter which Mr. Barrie sent to the minister who was to conduct the funeral services of a to-be brother-in-law. It seems more beautiful than anything I have yet seen from his pen,- might lie, in fact, within the pages of The Little Minister and have been written by the Rev. Gavin Dishart himself, so closely allied is the man with the artist. Is this all too old for you? Well, little dear, you must write me soon and tell me of the things from which my interest is not separated. With love to all, I am, Affectionately yours, K[atharine] M[errill] Graydon
Oakland [Calif.]
Date Original
1892 Jul 8
Original letter dimensions: 23 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 07, Image 0603
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Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
Page Number
Page 5
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle