[Louie Strentzel Muir]
[John Muir]

Martinez, California,July 17, 1890.My beloved husband,Your precious letters from the Muir Glacier are here, and our hearts are comforted by their coming, and we can now dream of sunlight on the snowy mountains, and know the marvelous beauty of blue glacier walls and glittering icebergs, instead ofshivering in the trackless gloom of mist over an icy wilderness. Oh, those blessed little flowers! Surely there must be good angels that have tended them with loving care amidst the bleak east winds, and so the good Father above will not fail to lead you, His own dear child, in safety through all the darkness of Alaskan storms.How thankful we feel that the Reid party will stay near you for a while: it seems most fortunate, and no doubt Mr. Loomis will be far more cheerful amid the rigors of camp life and the daily duty of kettle scouring. Besides, strong numbers are immensely desirable when strange and treacherous Indians may be lurking near.We have felt so worried about your poor throat. Do try to be more careful with it now. And to think of a small flapping tent, and you tending a fire out in the rain and howling wind! John, it is dreadful. I do not understand about the tiny wooden cabin --- do you sleep in it? and is the coaloil stove of much use?Edward has just returned from Martinez, bringing three more precious letters from the Muir Glacier, these the best of all, telling of more bright sunshine and bonnie flowers, and O my love, the blessed word that you are growing well and strong again. You must thank Capt. Carroll for us all, that he has been so kind to you. Do not forget to tell Mr. Loomis that he has my heartfelt sympathy through all his culinary trials with rain and wind and smoke. We rejoice continually about the Reid party near you. You did not say whether the "Queen" brought you our letters. We mailed three for you two days before the City of Puebla left San Francisco and have written by each steamer since then. The letters you sent to us per the G. W. Elder did not reach Martinez until the day before yesterday, and those brought by the Queen came today.The fruit you ask for we will try to send by Express tomorrow. Grandpa thinks the Bartlett pears may be good. Mr. Badlam wrote to you, promising to correct the mistakes in his book. Edward and Coleman still keep busy and cheerful.I hope you will write a fine letter for the Bulletin, but not any for the Examiner which seems to be too often a very mean paper.Only 4 Chinamen are staying at our place. I paid up to July 6, which pleased them. Nothing heard of Ah Hee yet. Father and mother have not been very well. I took Helen to see Dr. Moore but he said that tooth could not easily be filled, so we waited till it began to be painful and sent for him to come here last Sunday, when he extracted the double tooth without any difficulty. Helen cried for a few minutes, but Wanda brought in a pretty little kitten to play with Fido, and Helen was soon quieted and comfortable. Both she and Wanda now brush and rinse their teeth carefully and regularly without fretting so I trust this will be the very last of such trouble for them. My own head and eyes have been easy this week. The childrenare eagerly writing their letters to Papa, and Helen says that now she is going to be well she thinks it will be easy to learn to write real letters to dear Papa in Alaska, only he must not wait, but just come home to stay.[Louie Muir]
Martinez, California
Date Original
1890 Jul 17
Original letter dimensions: 20 x 25.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 06, Image 0587
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Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
Page Number
Page 5
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle