[John Muir]
[Joseph] Le Conte

2. I do not hope to make any adequate translation of what I have seen and heard. I only hope to make you come and see for yourself. If you could be made to feel the truth that is here you would come like an atom to the magnet without a thought of time or duties. (I wonder that manu- factured proprieties and duties should so shackle and cobweb God's human flies.) But next year you will have what you call vacation, when mankind and your wife will let you come, but I set a few baits to make sure of you. The Merced ice basin was bounded by the summits, and by two spurs which once 3.reached to the summits, viz. the Hoffman and Obelisk ranges, thus - Summits [drawing]In this basin not one island existed. All its highest peaks were washed and overflowed by the ice. Starr King. South Dome - and all. Some ice from about Mt Lyell and Dana, ect broke over the Hoffman range into the Tuolumne basin below the Soda Springs, thus cutting off the Hoffman from the
Yosemite [Calif.]
Date Original
1872 Dec 17
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0999
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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Muir-Hanna Trust
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Page 2
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle