John Muir
Louie [Strentzel Muir]

Keith's Studio4 P.M. July 11 1888Dear Louise:We have at length got everything ready and will start this evening at 6:30. About 8 o'clock we will be in sight of Martinez. All night we will be rumbling up north through the sandbeds and stubble-fields of the Sacramento disturbing the night hawks dhoolets[?]. By daylight we will be in the Canon (Canyon) of the upper Sacramento and the roar of the train will be lost beneath the louder roar of the rock chafed river. Soon the snowy cone of Shasta will be seen above the close pressed ranks of pines and we will halt and rest a day or two and try to learn something. Then on again into the Klamath Country over broad lava beds -- thro the Siskiyou tunnel into the valley of the Rogue River, etc. etc. Feel tired without cause and rather headachy. Will I hope be well at Shasta beneath a pine tree. Spent last night at Parry's with Annie. She says she is going home soon. Parry told me that he thought she would have no further trouble with her lungs in Wisconsin. Give her a good send off and go with her a few miles if you can and get her a few odds and ends in the way of delicacies in a basket. I went into a store last evening to buy nicknack presents for her to carry to the young and old of the home, but was too dull to accomplish much--went to sleep on a lounge at Parry's before they came in. They, with Annie, were over at Oakland seeing a friend off for the East. They also called on Lemmon--Guess Annie will not go to Monterey. She says that she will go east with one of Parry's friends about the 20th.Saw Emily Swett's lawyer today. He says that he will close that trade in a day or two and deposit the $500 with Upham & Co, sending you the receipt.'The pine boxes from Truckee will cost 6 1/2 Cents delivered in Martinez from the firm of Emerson & Lake. Should the Truckee Lumber Co's price be as high I think it will be well to wait awhile before buying as we have a carload of redwood to begin with. However the Dr. can use his own judgment about it. Met Senator Hendricks on the street a few minutes ago. Showed him the babies picture when he enquired for them. He thought of course they were charming and remembered his getting Wanda on his knee long ago. He begged me to ask you to send him a copy of the double picture. Hon. William Hendricks, Capitol, Sacramento.Hope the malaria will be out of the pond before Anna leaves. In any case take no risk with the children. Helen seems rather delicate and nervous. See that she has exercise of a quiet kind in the open air while the air is cool and get her to sleep at regular hours and while hungry she will eat rice, bathe her in hot weather and don't let her eat too much ritEver Yrs,[yours],John Muir.
Keith's Studio [San Francisco, Calif]
Date Original
1888 Jul 11
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 05, Image 1050
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle