John Muir
[Jeanne C. Carr]

[2]like overgrown frogs pulling themselves up a stream bank through the bent sedges,- ride up the valley with about as much emotion as the horses they ride upon.-are comfortable when they have "done it all" & long for the safety & flatness of their proper homes, In your first letter to the valley you complain of the desecrating influences of the fashionable hordes about to visit her, & say that you mean to come only once more & "into the beyond" I am pretty sure that you are wrong in saying & feeling 20, for the tide of visitors will float slowly about the bottom of the valley as a harmless scum collecting in hotel & saloon eddies, leaving the rocks & falls elognent as ever, & instruct with imperishable beauty & greatness, & recollect that the top of the valley is more than half way to real heaven & the Lord has many mansions away in the Sierra equal in power &glory to[3]Yosemite though not quite so open & I venture to say that you will yet see the valley many times both in & out of the the body, I am glad you are going to the coast mountains to sleep on Diablo, Angels are this, I am sure that you will be lifted above all the effects of your material work - There is a precious natural charm in sleeping under the open starry sky, You will have a very perfect view of the Joaquin Valley, & the snowy pearly wall of the Sierra Nevada., I lay for weeks last summer upon a bed of pine leaves at the edge of a daisy gentian meadow in full view of Mt Dana - Mrs Hutchings says that the lily bulbs were so far advanced in their growth when she dug some to send you that they could not be packed without being broken. but I am going to be here all summer & I know where the grandest plantation of these bulbs grow & I will box up as[6]sky ranges of Cumuli appear towards the summits with great regularity every day about 11 o'- clock making a splendid back- ground for the south dome-in a few hours these clouds disappear & give up the sky to sunny evening Mr Hutchings arrived here from Washington a week ago There is sixty or seventy visitors here at present I have rec'd only two letters from you this winter & spring, dated Fan' 22d & May 7th I kissed your [illegible] one for you she wishes that she knew the way to Oakland that she might come to you Remember me to the Doctor and all your boys & to your little Allie I remain ever yours most cordially J Muir00514
Date Original
[1870] May 29
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0289
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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Page 2
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle