S. Hall Young per F. K. Y.
John Muir

[2]Fort Wrangle” will present some what a different appearance when you bring your bride up this way. I have made too long canoe trips since that of last fall In April and May, in company with Mr [Lyons?] (our present missionary at Sitka) I made the [circuit?] of Prince of Wales Island I had a most delightful trip and returned home a “happy integer”. I made several improvements upon the Chilkat trip, In the manner of getting up the expedition, just I had only one [Capt’?] and no chiefs, second I paid for the trip, and not by the day, third the Indians provided their own [illegible], as a consequence, though I visited seven towns, many camps, remaining long enough at each to do [illegible] work, and though we had few good sailing winds we made the trip of four hundred miles in two weeks, and two days. The finest part of this archipelago , as regards [beauty?] of the soft, quiet, picturesque type, noble cedar forests, lovely green Islands, fertile [3]spots, and five Indians is Cordova Bay on the south west of the Island. The Indian [jobs?] and houses entirely [illegible] all we saw north. We hope to have a missionary established there, A good man has been appointed to Chilkat. Though not as fine a trip glacially speaking, it was a better one aboriginally. My other canoe trip was from the British missions at [Metlahkatlah?] and Ft Simpson in that I was rash, I undertook to bring Mrs Young and the baby, Miss Dunbar, seven of our “Home” girls, and two Indian wimen with the help of only two Indian men. We went down in the [Gsapfler?] had a fine visit, got two canoes at [Ft?] S – and were eleven days getting [to?] Ft W= I [illegible] the [longest?] canoe in which was the most precious and helpless part cargo, Imagine my spiritual suffering, to have a lot of weak and heedless girls stop paddling just as the wind is driving you upon a rock. We nearly ran out of provision and for the last two
Fort Wrangell [Alaska]
Date Original
1880 Jul 12
Original letter dimensions: 25 x 38.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 0241
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Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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Page 2
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle