John Muir
Sarah [Muir Galloway]

[Original letter in possession of Sarah Muir Galloway]John Muir School, Scottie, mash.Yosemite Valley.July 16th, 1872.Dear Sister Sarah:Your bundle composed of socks and letters has arrived.for which I am much indebted. I had not seen the [n.y.] Tribune letter you sent. I want you to see all I write, good or bad. I may some time write regularly for some journal or other. My scientific friends are clamorous for glaciers, etc.I have had a great day in meeting Dr. Asa Gray, the first botanist in the world. My Boston friends made him know me before he came, and I expect a grand time with him. While waiting for Gray this afternoon on the mountain side I climbed the Sentinel Rock, 3000 feet high. Here is an oak sprig from the top.Merrill Moores came a couple of days ago to spend a few months with me. I am very happy, but have to see too many people for the successful prosecution of my studies.Full moon lights all the groves and rocks and casts splendid masses of shade on meadow and wall. Visitors jar and noise, but Nature goes grandly and calmly over all confusion like winds over our domes...Give all the children and Davie my cordial regards, and always remember me to Mrs. Galloway, who though blind yet sees incomparably more than most people.I hope to see Agassiz this summer, and if I can get him away in to the outside mountains among the old glacier wombs alone. I shall have a glorious time...Remember me, of course, to all the Muir genus and all who care for me. With unchanging brother love. Farewell.J. Muir
Yosemite Valley
Date Original
1872 Jul 16
Original letter dimensions: 33 x 21.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0851
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle