John Muir
Emily [O. Pelton]

2Martinez, Cal.Jan. 1, 1883Dear friend Emily,I once more wish you a happy New Year. About the 20th I think since the first New Year wish in the Mondell House; and many a change has taken place in these 20 years for both of us.I have not heard from you since I left California for the Polar regions, but fancy you may yet be at Brownsville or thereabouts. I hope your summers work in school did not weary you so much as to injuriously affect your health. When are you ever going to pay us a visit. Little Anna Wanda is blooming out finely and is a beautiful and happy and very interesting child.I am sure you would like her. She and her mother and all of us would be glad to see you and you would enjoy a rest here and therefore you must come surely whenever you are within reach and we will try to make a portion of the New Year happy.I had a very instructive and happy summer in the far north. I have among many other things a lot of Eskimo stories to tell you. Remember me to the Phelps and Knoxes. Tell Mrs. Knox I will give that lecture whenever I can find a time to go so far from Martinez as Brownsville is. Wrangel Land is father but that is icy and another thing, she must come there she will hear more lectures than she can well endure.Hoping that the New Year has much happiness in store for you, I am dear Emily ever truly your friend./s/ John Muir
Martinez, Cal
Date Original
1883 Jan 1
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 1000
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle