John Muir
[John] Strentzel

[1] [ Ward?] Nevada Saturday morning Sep’ 28th 1878.Dear Doctor, Your kind letter of the 8th [illegible] reached me yesterday. having been forwarded from Hamilton This is a little three year old mining town where we are making a few days halt to transact some business & rest the wary animals. We arrived late when it was too dark to set the tents & we recklessly camped in a corral on a breezy hilltop. I have a great horror of sleeping upon any trodden ground near human settlements not to say amoniacal pens but the captn had his blankets spread alongside the wagon & I dared the worst & lay down beside him. A wild equi[illegible]tial gale roared & tumbled down the mountainside all thru the night sifting the the dry fragrant snuff about our eyes & tears notwithstanding all our care in tucking & rolling our ample blankets. The situation was not exactly distressing but most absurdly & damnidly ludicrous. Our camp trups – basins, bawls, bogs went speeding wildly past in screeching rumbling discard with the earnest wind- -tones. A heavy mill-frame was blown down, but we suffered no great damage. Most of our remaining gear having been found in fence corners. But how terribly we stood in need of deodorizers – not de- -alkalizers as you suggest. Next morning we rented a couple of rooms in town where we now are & washed rubbed dusted & combed ourselves back again into countenance. Half an hour ago after reading your letter a second time I tumbled out my pine tails tassels & burrs & was down on my knees on the floor making a selection for you according to your wishes & was casting about as to the chances of finding a suitable box when the captain
Ward, Nevada
Date Original
1878 Sep 28
Original letter dimensions: 31 x 20.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 03, Image 0922
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle