John Muir
[Katharine M. Graydon]

[Original letter returned to Miss Katharine M. Graydon]To Miss Katharine Merrill Graydon1419 Taylor St.,San Francisco, Apr. 12th, 1880.My dear girl-woman, Katie and Miss Kate:Your letter of March 28th has reached me, telling how much loving sympathy I am to have because I have a mother, and because of the story of my adoring circle of lady friends. Well, what is to become of me when I tell you that I am to marry one of those friends the day after tomorrow? What sympathy will be left the villain who has a mother and a wife also, and even a home and a circle, etc., and twice as muckle as a' that.But now, even now, Katie, don't, don't withdraw your sympathy.You know that I never did demand pity for the storm-beatings and rock-beds and the hunger and loneliness of all these years since you were a frail wee lass, for I have been very happy and strong through it all - the happiest man I ever saw; but, nevertheless, I want to hold on to and love all my friends, for they are the most precious of all my riches.I hope to see you all this year or next, and no amount of marrying will diminish the enjoyment of meeting you again. And some of you will no doubt come to this side of the Continent, and then how happy I will be to welcome you to a warm little home in the Contra Costa hills near the bay.I have been out of town for a week or two, and have not seen much of Prof. Jordan and Mr. Gilbert. They are very busy about the fishes, crabs, clams, oysters, etc. Have called at his hotel two or three times, and have had some good Moores and Merrill talks, but nothing short of a good long excursion in the free wilderness would ever mix us as much as you seem to want.Now, my brave teacher lassie, good luck to you.Heaven bless you, and believe me,Ever truly your friend, John Muir[Envelope addressed Miss Kate Graydon, 232 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind.]
1419 Taylor St., San Francisco, [Calif]
Date Original
1880 Apr 12
Original letter dimensions: 33 x 21.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 0113
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle