[ Margaret Muir Reid ]
Louie [Muir]

Crete, Neb., July 9, 1883.Dear sister Louie:I have been thinking of writing to you from week to week for a long time, and having failed have made up my mind that the best thing to do is to begin first thing this Monday morning.I would like very much to hear from you, and think it is surely time we were hearing from you anent that promised visit. Everything is looking its prettiest now, and we would be so glad to welcome you here. I hope you are well and happy. I know little Wanda is happy if she is well. I would like to hear her call the birds by their scientific names. She is a cute wee lassie. I wonder if she remembers her aunties yet. Her aunties will not forget her.I suppose you have heard about Mary's boy No. 2. She had written to Dan a short time before the news came that she thought of coming to Neb. to see us soon. When we heard of the baby Dan sent Mary word "that he expected her along in the course of a week or two now."I had a letter from Joanna lately. She says her Ethel is a "precious little comfort." Walter, too, is quite proud of his baby. After reading over J's letter to me he said "that she might just as well throw it in the fire, for there was not enough of Ethel in it."Father has not been so well lately. He has had a twitch of his old complaint. What a narrow escape they had when that cyclone spent its fury about four blocks from them.I suppose everything around you looks very beautiful now. John in his last letter spoke of the little trees he planted about the time we left you as looking well and ornamental. How I would enjoy taking a walk among them in your company and little Wanda toddling and prattling away as when we were with you.How are your father and mother. I hope they are well. Give them my love. We are all pretty well here, and have just had a very busy 2 weeks. Week before last was College Commencement here, and there was a good deal going on, and although I was not out much the girls were, and last week we had a kind of a Sunday School Association on the Chatauqua plan - had some good lecturers from Chicago, Boston, and other cities. They held four sessions daily for over a week and excursion trains came in daily, I think, from all around. Crete is getting to be quite a popular little place as a summer resort. They have just launched a wee steamboat on the Blue.Had a letter from Sarah lately.They were having a hurrying time among strawberries, had picked five or six hundred quarts and they still seemed about as plentiful as ever. I think I would enjoy being among them a while. Sarah is pretty well, but too busy, I fear. But as she says, ti is not easy to keep from doing too much when one sees so much to do.My health is better this summer, thanks to you all for the pleasant change and good visit that brought it about. With much love to you all, I close. Kiss Wanda for her auntie, and tell John I send him one too. And that God's blessing may be with you ever is my best wish and prayer for you all.Maggie [Margaret Muir Reid]Shortly after getting home from Cal. a Miss Barker, a maiden lady who is a neighbor of our called. In talking about my visit she happened to talk of John Swett of San F. She comes from the same place East and is well acquainted with his mother, who used to tell her a good deal about John after he left. She did not seem to dream I might have met him. Remember me to Mr. Magee's family when you see them, also Mr. Swett's folks. Please write soon.Maggie06146
Crete, Nebr.
Date Original
1883 Jul 9
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 1086
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Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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Page 3
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle