John Muir
Mrs. [Jeanne C.] Carr

[Original letter in mounted set of letters to Mrs. Carr, #66]Yosemite Valley, July 27th, 1872.Dear Mrs. Carr:I want to see you. I want to speak about my studies which are growing broader and broader and spreading away to all countries without any clear horizon anywhere.I will go over all this Yosemite region this fall and write it up in some form or other. Will you be here to accompany me in my easier excursions? I have a good horse for you and will get a tent and plenty of meal and tea, and you will keep house in very old style, and you can bring whom you please.I've had a very noble time with Gray, who though brooded and breaded by Hutch[ings] gave most of his time to me. I was sorry that his time was so meanly measured and bounded. He is a most cordial lover of purity and truth, but the angular factiness of his pursuits have kept him at too cold a distance from the spirit world.I know that Mrs. Moore has given you ice in abundance, though even Yosemite glaciers might melt in the warmth of her laughter and sunshine. She handles glacial periods like an Agassiz and has discovered a Hetch Hetchy period that is her own. Don't you believe all she tells you about the walk and the dark and the dust of Indian Cañon.I want to get Dagggett's address.I will begin my long mountain excursions soon, for the snow is mostly gone from the high meadows. I have been guiding a few parties, and will take a few more if they are of the right kind, but I want my mind kept free and sensitive to all influences excepting human business.I have ten horses, but another man takes charge of them, and I am all free.I need to talk with you more than ever before.Mrs. Hutchings is always kind to me, and the clearness of her views on all spiritual things is very extraordinary. She appreciates your friendship very keenly, and I am glad to think you will soon know each other better. Her little Cosie [Gertrude) is as pure a piece of sunbeam as ever was condensed to human form.Hoping that Ned will be able to come here to the mountain waters for perfect healing and that you will also find leisure for the satisfying of your thirst for beauty, I remain,Ever your friend,John MuirMy love to Dr. and all the boys.
Yosemite Valley
Date Original
1872 Jul 27
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0857
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle