Shear Bond Strength of Nine Dual Cured Build-Up Materials and a Light Curing Adhesive System on Dentin
Presentation Category
BACKGROUND: Many studies have been done to measure the strengths and other physical properties of different build-up materials (Passos et al, Kumar and Shivrayan, Agrawal and Mala). There have not been experiments done that test the effectiveness of the combination of a light curing adhesive and self-curing build-up systems. Strength is important so the core can withstand mastication and occlusal forces. Dual-curing systems are preferred over light curing systems in the root canal due to the uncertainness if enough light travels into the canal to set the build-up composite. While light curing resin adhesive systems have shown superiority over self setting adhesive systems this study combines a light curing adhesive with different self curing commercial resin products.
Methods/Treatment Plan
total of 54 human molars were cross-sectioned, roots cut off and embedded in acrylic composites to expose the coronal portion of dentin. Nine commercially available core build-up materials have been selected for shear bond testing: CompCore(Premier), GrandioCore(VOCO),ParaCore(Coltene),BuilditFR(Pentron),LuxaCore(DMG),MultiCoreFlow(Ivoclar),ClearfilDCPlus(Kuraray),Permaflo(Ultradent), Encore(Centrix). All core build-up materials were tested with the Scotchbond-Universal Adhesive System(3M ESPE). Six specimens per group were tested. The exposed flat dentin surface from the samples was treated with Scotchbond-Universal adhesive in the self-etching mode according to manufacturer’s instructions. It is an all-in-one adhesive material. The treated sample was placed in a bonding clamp followed by the core build-up application. All core materials were setting in the dark-cure mode. After removal the samples were stored for 24h at 36 degree Celsius and 100% humidity. The Ultratester(Ultradent) was used to shear off the build-up composite from the samples at 1mm per min. Statistical analysis was done with student t-test at a 0.05% confidence interval.
Bond strength averages in MPa for the core materials were as follows: CompCore 22.0(±10.0), GrandioCor 22.1 (±8.4), ParaCore 9.2 (±1.2), Buildit FR 15.0 (±7.1), LuxaCore 25.0 (±7.1), MultiCore Flow 25.6 (±9.2), ClearfilDCPlus 22.3 (±6.4), Permaflow 20.8 (±9.4), Encore 23.8 (±6.7). Significant lower shear-bond-strength was found for ParaCore(Coltene) compared to all other core materials except in comparison with BuilditFR (Pentron) p=0.078. The null hypothesis has been rejected.
Bond strength averages in MPa for the core materials were as follows: CompCore 22.0(±10.0), GrandioCor 22.1 (±8.4), ParaCore 9.2 (±1.2), Buildit FR 15.0 (±7.1), LuxaCore 25.0 (±7.1), MultiCore Flow 25.6 (±9.2), ClearfilDCPlus 22.3 (±6.4), Permaflow 20.8 (±9.4), Encore 23.8 (±6.7). Significant lower shear-bond-strength was found for ParaCore(Coltene) compared to all other core materials except in comparison with BuilditFR (Pentron) p=0.078. The null hypothesis has been rejected.
Shear Bond Strength of Nine Dual Cured Build-Up Materials and a Light Curing Adhesive System on Dentin
BACKGROUND: Many studies have been done to measure the strengths and other physical properties of different build-up materials (Passos et al, Kumar and Shivrayan, Agrawal and Mala). There have not been experiments done that test the effectiveness of the combination of a light curing adhesive and self-curing build-up systems. Strength is important so the core can withstand mastication and occlusal forces. Dual-curing systems are preferred over light curing systems in the root canal due to the uncertainness if enough light travels into the canal to set the build-up composite. While light curing resin adhesive systems have shown superiority over self setting adhesive systems this study combines a light curing adhesive with different self curing commercial resin products.